Balbriggan, Sunday 16th March
0n a very sunny day in Balbriggan two seals found their freedom!
This is their brief story.
Five months ago, a call came into our organization about a
seal near Balbriggan, no name or contact number was left on the
answering machine, just the location of where the seal was last
seen. Mary Price went to the beach to investigate and found a tiny
seal lying in a very poor state, on a pile of rubbish the tide had
washed in. Bruscar brought his name with him.
Mise, our co-star (Oscar, eat your heart out!) was much the same
story, again the person just left the location of the seal. ( It is
important to leave a contact number when you find a seal so it makes
our job easier in finding the animal.)
Bruscar a good natured seal, loved to swim and had to be left near a
pool. He never let the water out of his sight!! Mise kept to herself
away from the other seals and just got on with her life up in the
sanctuary. She didn№t like anyone near her and would give a warning
call if another seal came near her.
The release:
Well! What a turnout! The first citizen of Fingal, An Cathaoirleach
Cllr. Michael Kennedy and first citizen of Balbriggan, An
Cathaoirleach Cllr Larry Dunne led the party of wellwishers. Derek
Mooney was there with RTE and Radio One doing a live broadcast along
with Don Conroy, All the papers had come out for the day and it
seemed most of the country did as well! It was estimated that c 5000
people turned out to share the joy of two Fingallians going home!
The Pipe Band started the whole thing off, the bag pipes marched
down onto the beach followed by the seal box, followed by the
Bruscar was the star of the show and first to go home thought not in
any rush. He meandered down the beach and had a good look at
everyone before he swam away. Sadly though not all got to see
Bruscar get into the water, despite best efforts of the marshals on
the day the crowd in their enthusiasm surged forward to see him off.

Mise got a better send off with the crowd who had waited for Mise to
be released. An Cathaoirleach of Fingal County Cllr. Michael Kennedy
and Cathaoirleach of Balbriggan Town Council Larry Dunne released
both seals but before long the two seals were far out of sight!
There was a welcoming party of local seals to meet them in the
harbour so we're sure they got a good reception!
The seals, Mise and Bruscar had a yellow paint mark on the back of
their heads, it will last for about three months and it№s there to
see if they are doing well. So if you should see a seal swimming
around with a yellow hair-do, give Our Organization a bell and let
us know where you last seen the animal.
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